Eden Walks Blog

About Rome

80 Top things to visit in Rome

80 Top things you should know before visiting Rome  
where you can find Caravaggio and Raphael Michelangelo and the best museums and best churches and food restaurants

1. Sant Luigi dei francesi carravaggio painting last chapel left the calling of St Mathew 

2. Sant Agostino church’s Carravaggio painting Madonna di Loretto first chapel left on the left side of the church is a fresco of Raphael not to miss depicting the prophet Isaia 

3. Santa Maria del popolo Caravaggio Painting The Crucifixion of St. Peter’s and the falling from the horse of ST Paul last chapel left 


4 Borghese Gallery you have 6 Caravaggio Paintings baccus sick-  

madonna di palafrenieri David and Goliath 

The kid with fruit Sant  Jerome St John the Baptist 


5 Barberini Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Antica in Palazzo Barberini Raphael la Fornarina 

Narcissus San Francis  

Saint John the Baptist- Judith Beheading Holofernes - 

Raphael barberini palace La Fornarina

6. Pinacoteca Capitolina capitoline Museums 

buona Ventura - Caravaggio 


7 Doria Phamphili Museums 

Caravaggio Rest on the Flight into Egypt  

8 Raphael in Rome 

Santa Maria dell'Anima church’ is fresco The Sybils, or Sybils receiving instruction from Angels,

8 Villa Farnesina Raphael THE LOGGIA OF GALATEA - 

9 Villa Borghese Raphael the disposition -

A lady with unicorn Raphael portrait of Einis Manes 


10) Barberini Palace Raphael la Fornarina 


12 Palazzo odescalchi private collation Conversion of Saint Paul by Caravaggio (Odescalchi)"


13 churches not to miss Sant clement the three levels 


14 Parrocchia Santa Maria in Vallicella 

The Madonna della Vallicella is an oil-on-slate painting produced between 1606 and 1608 by Peter Paul Rubens.


15 Chiesa di Sant'Ignazio di Loyola. Don’t forget the Ceiling 


16 Santa Maria Sopra Minerva Michelangelo the statue of the redemption of Christ near the alter and a-fresco of Filipino Lippi on the right side last chapel 


 17 The Moses is a sculpture by the Italian High Renaissance artist Michelangelo Buonarroti, housed in the church of San Pietro in Vincoli in Rome. 


19 Chiesa di Santa Maria della Vittoria 

Bernini statue The ecstasy Of St Teresa 


20 Sant andrea delle frate The angles of Bernini near the alter 

21Vatican Museums 

22Saint John latteran 

23The view of piazza del popolo from pincian hill 

24The caffè greco the oldest coffee in Rome 

25The colosseum 

26The borghese gallery 

27Trevi fountain 

28 Trastevere neighborhood

29Palazzo spada the prospect of Borromini 

30Villa Giulia Etruscan Museums 

31 castel gandolfo the summer residence of the popes 

32 Barberini Mithraeum, an underground jewel

33 Acquedotto Vergine

34 Saint Clement 

35 And Capuchin church Santa concezione del immacolata 

36 Auditorium di Mecenate 

37 Catacombs of S. Agnese

38 Catacombs of S. Callisto 

Via Appia Antica

39 Catacombs of S. Domitilla

40 Catacombs of Priscilla

Via Salaria 

41 Catacombs of S. Sebastiano

42 Church of S. Crisogono

Piazza Sidney Sonnino 44,

43 Church of S. Lorenzo in Lucina

44 Church of S. Nicola in Carcere

45 Crypta Balbi

46 Domus Aurea

47 Hadrian’s Crypt (Bocca della Verità)

48 Jewish catacombs

49 Mithraeum in Circo Massimo

50 Mithraeum in S. Prisca

51 Palazzo Valentini 

52 Terme di Caracalla

53 Stadium of Domitian

54 Vatican scavi

55 The Basilica of Saint Peter in Chains 

56 Baths of Diocletian

57 Goethe House

58 House Museum of Giorgio De Chirico

59 Museum-House of Hendrik Andersen

60 House Museum of Mario Praz

61 Casino dell'Aurora Pallavicini in Palazzo Pallavicini-Rospigliosi

62 Centrale Montemartini

63 Chiostro del Bramante

64 Cinecittà Studios,

65 Explora – Museum of Children in Rome

66 Fondazione Roma Museo Museo del Corso - sede di Palazzo Sciarra

67 The Colonna Gallery

68 Rome Modern art Gallery

69 The Doria-Pamphilj Gallery

70 Corsini Gallery - National Gallery of Ancient Art

71 Garum - Museo della Cucina

72 Central Institute for Graphics-Cabinet of drawings and prints and Chalcography

73 MIAC  Museo Italiano dell’Audiovisivo e del Cinema

74 The Celio Antiquarium

75 The Antiquarium of Lucrezia Romana

76 Non-Catholic Cemetery Of Rome Cimitero Acattolico

78 Domine quovadis appian way where Peter meet Jesus 

79 Parc de la Caffarella Parco dell'Appia Antica

80 Basilica di Santa Sabina all'Aventino

Best restarants 

 in Rome 



Acquaroof di Acquolina


Marco Martini Restaurant e Cocktail Bar



Giulia Restaurant




Mani in pasta 

da Enzo 


Da Teo Trastevere 

Osteria del fortunato 

Ai Spaghettari Trastevere 


Dal bolognese 

Il vero Alfredo 

Gino il sorbillo pizza 

Lievito pizza prati 

Isidoro Fish restaurant 

Borromini Terrace for best view in Rome very romantic 

Groppo d’oro 

La Carbonara 

Dal bafetto pizza 

Bella Napoli prati