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About Rome

Rome In A Day

Rome in a day

Planing to visit Rome In one day ?
We have the perfect solution for you Strat with the Vatican Museums and Sistine chapel the early morning tours give you chance to skip the line and visit the Sistine chapel when is the empty, e especially now during the Covid period that Vatican has been having 4/5 thousand tourist per week you will feel like your are alone in the Vatican museum, you get to explore all those gallery’s that before you couldn’t visit in proper way because of the crowds, now that the one Raphael rooms has been restored you see his beautiful room the Constantine hall where they discovered
To Fresco paintings that for 500 years wore through to be of his students Vatican has unveiled that Raphael painted that just before he died.

After you finished the Vatican museums that you’ve seen the Sistine chapel
Unfortunately the Vatican museums does not allows anyone the tourist to go out the Sistine chapel directly from the short secret door

But you have to walk all they way backwards to the Vatican museums which that will take you another 30 minutes
So you can visit some other museums on the way back like Pinacoteca and the padilion of the carriages

Then exit at the door where you entered before at the museums entrance walk all the way to saint Peter’s basilica, you might have yo do the security line Covid vaccine checked then they it will talk you another hour to visit the saint peters basilica.

Now it’s 11 clock now you can drink you cappuccino I’m very sofisticate place called Zanzara which is located near the vatican museums just a few blocks a way
Because adatte 12 your not allowed to have the cappuccino according to all the Romans..
If you what to stay in the prati neighborhood
We Recommend getting pizza by slice at pizza Alice or sit in proper restaurant called Lievito that has the best Pizza in prati neighborhood.
It’s 2pm
Ready to get the Roman subway direction from ottavino metro stop to words termini then you have to change at Termini and get the line b 2 stops a way you have the colosseum entrance
Don’t forget to buy the tickets at the booth that cost 1,50 for 90 minutes You need to were a Mack’s everywhere now it has to b FFP2 that way you get fined by the police
You arrived at the colosseum the best preserved monument in the world
At the exit of the subway on the right meets the small group tour of Eden walks they guide will be holding the sign of Eden walks

The guided tour will last 2,5 hours and it includes the colosseum underground the Area and the Roman forum and palatine hill
It’s 4:40 pm
It’s time for a Gelato take way all the ti largo Argentina where Julio Caesar got killed in 44bc which was called the theatre of Pompy

Right next to the theater where today is the cats sanctuary on the corner 30 on the right where tram stop is you have the best Gelato in Rome it’s family run business for about 10 years have some some tastes before you get you favorite gelato we recommend trying Pistaccio.

It’s 5:30
Rome at sunset Walkimg tour starts in the front of the pantheon next to the famous coffee place called tazza d’oro we recommend getting the best coffe in town it helps you to stay focused during the tour inside the pantheon explore the amazing pantheon
After you go to piazza Navona then the campo de giro and Jewish ghetto the tour will finished in Trastevere at 7:30 pm
Which the perfect time for the typical Traditional Roman dinner Trastevere is know for its cuisine we recommend a few place Da Enzo restaurants
Or da Teo restaurant those 2 are both family run business you can’t go wrong on anything you eat here but try Caccio e Pepe.
It’s 9pm it’s most to go to toss a coin in the Trevi fountain in night time when everyone is starting a late Roman dinner you want find that many people taking selfie there so the fountain will be completely empty for you So you can admire the incredible architecture of Nicola Salvi
And take as many photos as you like
I hope you find this article interesting
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