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My Experience in Borghese Gallery

My Experience in Borghese Gallery: Everything You Need to Know!

My Experience in Borghese Gallery: Everything You Need to Know!

Villa Borghese is a beautiful seventeenth-century villa that belonged to Cardinal Scipione Borghese. There are patrons of great artists of the time such as Bernini or Caravaggio. This good cardinal, who is nephew of Pope Paul V, invested much of his family fortune in restoring churches and palaces of the city. This is also to gather an extensive collection of art that we can now enjoy in the Borghese Gallery.

In later centuries, the artistic collection was changing, making additions as the Pauline Borghese (sister of Napoleon). Yet, it is also dwindling because there were many other museums built, for example to the Louvre Museum. Although the gallery has certain open hours, the beautiful gardens are made public anytime for sake of all visitors.

The Borghese Villa and Gardens

Borghese Gallery is not only place I was so eager to meet, it is also one of the largest urban parks in Europe. Over there, we can find a zoo, a lake, fountains, and sculptures.

You can walk through the gardens on foot or by bike. You can even rent a boat and sit around the lake. The possibilities are endless.

Do not forget to see:

  • The temple of Aesculapius. It is right in the middle of Lake Borghese, dedicated to the Roman god of medicine.
  • Nearby is the wooden theater that plays the Globe Theater in London.
  • In the Borghese gardens is the Pincio water clock , a hydraulic clock that has been in operation since the 19th century, as its name suggests, only with water. A curious work of engineering.

The Pincio water clock

The Pincio water clock, was built in 1867 by Giambattista Embriaco.

Here, you will also find one of the coolest viewpoints in the city, the Terrazza de Pincio. From there, there is a fabulous panoramic view of Piazza del Popolo and spectacular views of Rome.


The Borghese Gallery

Now, we are going to discuss what attracted us the most, the Borghese Gallery. In the middle of all that green scenery, there is a Villa that contains one of the most important art collections in the city.

The Borghese Gallery has two floors, the main one in which we will find mostly sculptural works and the upper floor as a pinacoteca. In both cases, the works are perfectly chosen. The collection is not very wide but carefully selected and privileged. It’s just perfect!

On the first floor, the artwork does not only exist as in  sculptures, but also on ceilings, walls, and floors. The building is as impressive as the works inside it.


However, some of the best works of the Borghese Gallery only has a short summary. If you want to know more during your visit, you can take the audio guide offered in the gallery itself. At least the following artworks attracted me the most:

#1 Paulina Borghese as Venus Vencedora

Let us greet Paulina Borghese, a work by the sculptor Canova, commissioned by Napoleon’s eccentric older sister. Paulina herself wanted to be portrayed as Venus Vencedora.

It is possibly one of the most famous sculptures of the Borghese Gallery and of the whole world. The sculpture represents the exact moment in which Daphne begins to become a laurel, with enormous dynamism and movement.

#2 The Abduction of Proserpina

Another one of the most famous works of Bernini and that will make your hair stand on end is The Abduction of Proserpina. If this sculpture does not move something inside you, I consider that you have no soul XD. Bernini manages to turn cold marble into flesh, sculpture that describes pure movement, representing the exact moment in which Pluto dragged Proserpina to hell. A point of no return, the despair encumbered in stone.

This is the largest room in the Borghese Gallery and, possibly, in which more people will find surrounding Pluto and Proserpina.

On this floor, we also have a series of works from Roman times, a gladiator mosaic from the fourth century AD, and a dancing Satyr  from the 4th century BC. Also, many other sculptures such as El Hermafrodita or San Juan Bautista will make you unable to close your mouth during all the way.

#3 Pinacoteca

When you are ready to change plants, go up to the first floor. The gallery of the Borghese Gallery is not one of the most extensive in the world but one of the most admirable. Especially, for those of us who love Renaissance and Baroque eras.

#4 The Dánae de Correggio

The Dánae de Correggio will leave you breathless, as well as the different works of Caravaggio, whom Cardinal Scipione Borghese seemed to adore. No wonder, the beautiful Madonna with the child and Santa Ana, just spent a month hanging in the Vatican. Later, it was transferred to the Borghese dependencies, apparently because of a matter of decorum.

#5 The Crucifixion of Saint Jerome

Admire the Crucifixion of Saint Jerome by Pinturicchio, the Lady of the Unicorn by Raphael, Diana’s Hunt by Il Domenico or one of my favorite paintings of the world world, Sacred Love and profane love of Titian.


#6 Sacred Love and Profane Love

If you see the photo, it looks just normal. However, if you get close to it, the work is spectacular. There are a lot of game of contrasts and exquisite lighting.

#7 Lady of the Unicorn

It is an excellent portrait, although the identity of the lady is unknown, whose composition is reminiscent of the Mona Lisa, right?

The unicorn represents purity and chastity, although in the first version of the work was a puppy, symbol of fertility. I do not know why because Rafael decided to change it.

#8 The deposition t by Raphael

Relocation of Christ or Deposition Borghese is one of Rafael’s most ambitious works. Vasari called it as the “divine painting”.



Booking your ticket is practically mandatory, since the visits are regulated in 360 people every two hours. If you arrive at the ticket office without an entrance, it is likely that you will find the SOLD OUT sign.

Tickets can be purchased online and usually cost € 17. You must choose day and time zone in which you want to visit (also, be very punctual that day).

It happens a little absurd thing and is that, once you get to the box office, you have to queue to redeem them. Therefore, it is better to go early.

If you have the Roma Pass, the ticket is included, but you will also have to reserve your visit time online.


The Borghese Gallery opens from Tuesday to Sunday from 8:30 in the morning until 7:30 in the afternoon. However, you can enjoy the gardens every day.

How to get to the Borghese Gallery?

The easiest way is to get there by metro is by using line A bus to the Flaminio stop. It is the closest stop to Piazza del Popolo. The route itself tells you where to go to go to the Villa, so there is no loss.

Buses 116, 88, 95, 490, 495 can also be used, depending on where you started from. Some cross the grounds of the village and others like the 116 remain at the entrance.


I know I’ve said it, but.. always go ahead before time, especially in months of high tourist influx. You must be collecting your ticket half an hour before the scheduled time for the visit.


Also, you cannot enter with backpacks, large bags, and much less suitcases. You will have to leave them in the free space they offer, which will mean another wait. If you have a camera you will have to leave your bag and carry it in your hand. You can take pictures without flash.

Do you have experience in Borghese Gallery? Let us know in the comment below!