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About Rome

Our Top 5 Recommended places to Visit in Rome.

Our Top 5 Recommended places to Visit in Rome.

Life in Rome
Making the Most of Your Guided Tour
Our Top 5 Recommended places to Visit in Rome.

Rome. One of the most beautiful cities in the world. With a mix of haunting ruins, jaw-dropping art and plenty of vivid street life, it most certainly is one of the most romantic and inspiring cities that one can visit.

One of the best ways to see Rome is via guided tour – this allows you to be swept along and taken to some of the most sought-after attractions. However, to explore a city alone is still a wonderful experience.

In this article, allow us to share with you our top 5 recommended places to visit in Rome!


Located right in the heart of the Eternal City, Pierluigi offers high-glass and traditional gastronomy with a rich menu full of seafood, fish and meat!

It has a stunning view of some of the most historic parts of the city and offers a dining experience that could only be associated with Rome.

Vatican Museums

The Vatican Museum should need little introduction and are a staple for any visit to Rome. With incredible and life changing pieces from Leaonardo Da Vinci, the Raphael Rooms amongst a whole array of incredible artifacts and pieces of art you will leave the place feeling inspired and full of awe.

The museum is host to around 70,000 pieces of work, with 20,000 of them on display and is certainly a place you need to visit and spend a lot of time at.

Per Me

Per Me restaurant is a restaurant so renowned for its food that it is the proud owner of a Michelin Star; so you know that when you choose to dine here you are in safe hands. One thing that really makes this restaurant stand out is the fact that the chef personally brings many dishes out to you; giving you the chance to meet the chef whilst he explains the elements on every dish.

Borgese Gallery

Situated in the former Villa Borghese Pinciana, the Borgese Gallery is an art gallery full of paintings, sculptures and antiquities spread across twenty rooms across two floors! With unique and jaw-dropping pieces by Bernini, Dosso Dossi and Caravaggio amongst others, this gallery is well worth spending a lot of time in and truly exploring room by room.

Barberini Palace

Originating from the 17th century, the Palazzo Barberini, or Barberini Palace, this fantastic looking building holds the Galleria Nazionale D’Arte – the main national collection of older paintings in Rome.

Aswell as all of the stunning artwork and paintings, the palace is famed for its inspiring architecture including the helicoidial staircase by Borromini and symmetrical wings aswell as a secret garden that is a beauty to explore.

Paintings held here include Raphael’s portrait La Fornarina, Caravaggio’s Judith Beheading Holofernes and Hans Holbein portrait of Henry VIII.

With so many attractions to see and do in Rom, it is well worth you getting in touch with us so we can off you advice and guided tours so you can make the most from your trip!