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About Rome

The hidden gems of Trastevere tour

The hidden gems Of Trastevere tour

This new private tour only option from Eden Walks goes beyond the major tourist sights of Rome.



Tour Overview:

This new private tour only option from Eden Walks goes beyond the major tourist sights of Rome.

Take a journey into underground Rome where you will discover the hidden gems of the Eternal City and the fascinating history behind it.


Tour Description

This new private tour from Eden Walks goes deeper to the frequently overlooked and undiscovered sights of Rome. Explore the hidden gems of the Eternal City and learn all about its fascinating history, secrets and scandals.



• Where the emperor Augusto first divided the city into 12 Rioni

• The area once belonging to the hostile Etruscan enemies of the Romans

• The site where Julius Cesar was assassinated

• One of the oldest and most significant Jewish neighborhoods in the world

• The surprising square where the famous heretic Giordano Bruno was violently martyred

• The oldest market in Rome dating back to 1700

• The most romantic street in Rome Via Giulia


• The popular square of Trilussa, named after the famous Italian poet

• The house where Dante Alighieri stayed in during the unification of the Italian language

• Residences of some of literature’s most influential writers

• Breathtaking frescoes of the Renaissance frescoes  

• Amazing architecture from ancient times

• One of the earliest and most beautiful mosaics in Italy

• A wall as significant as it is enormous

• The jewel of Trastevere  


Itinerary & Highlights:

• Basilica San Clemente

• The Mamertine Prison of St. Peter’s

•Santa Maria in trastevere

• Largo di Torre Argentina

• Santa Maria in Via Lata