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About Rome

top 10 things to do in the winter in Rome


Here’s How to Spend Winter in Rome

The most common advice about Rome in a matter of the time to visit it is not to go in summer, because it is very hot. I cannot imagine how many people show up there under the hot sun. If you want to go there in December, I can assure you that winter is a good time to go.

The temperatures are not very extreme. Unless it rains - it may rain a lot. The weather is usually quite calm. I remind you: it's cold! So, don't forget to bring warm clothes.

Then, here’s how you enjoy Rome in winter:

#1 Have A Hot Chocolate

A cup of hot chocolate, thanks to the milk used to prepare it, is a good source of calcium that will help supplement your daily needs. Having a cup of hot chocolate can be a good excuse to share time with your friends or family, which will help you disconnect from the routine.

You can enjoy hot chocolate at Venchi. Here, you will find a comfy place with a lot of histories described on its frescoed walls and beautiful ceilings. Hot chocolate is a very good option to drink on winter days. In addition to helping you get warm and be delicious, it also has many beneficial properties for your body.

#2 Visit Mani in Pasta Restaurant

There have been some local citizens who become their occasional customer. The food is authentic and exquisite, with fresh ingredients and prepared at the moment. All are delicious! Despite being a small place, the pasta dishes with seafood are spectacular. You can also request Lobster added to your pasta.

The location is apart from the most tourist area of Trastevere. Also, because it has only few tables, I suggest you to make a reservation.

#3 Have a glass of wine at Borromini Terrace

If you are OK drinking wine, you should visit this place. The place is one of the most elegant and luxurious places in Rome where the movie The Great Beauty was made. Moreover, you always exhibition of art in the fourth floor. The latest one is from well-known artist Nicole Cordonier.

Besides enjoying the wine, you can spend your evening on the most exclusive terrace of Rome, enjoy aperitif while listening to Italian Opera and taste some Italian foods.

#4 Walk in Piazza Navona Is Museo Di Roma - Palazzo Braschi

The Piazza Navona or Piazza Navona is one of the most beautiful and charming squares of Rome. It occupies the site of the old Domitian stadium, which could hold a capacity of up to 30,000 spectators.

Over there, you can see the exhibition of the neo classic artist Antonio Canova. It is considered as one of the most influential sculptures form the 1800 Century when Napoleon conquered Italy.

#5 Palazzo Spada

The Palazzo Spada was built in the mid-16th century, shortly after its neighbor the Palazzo Farnese. Its most striking feature is the lush Mannerist decoration based on stucco (festoons, friezes, statues) that dominate the facade and the inner courtyard.

In 1632, Cardinal Bernardino Spada bought the palace that today bears his name and restored it, calling for it to Borromini. Fruit of this intervention is the amazing gallery with forced perspective, which currently constitutes the main tourist attraction of the Spada palace.

#6 Visit Palazzo Barberini

The Palazzo Barberini was acquired in 1949 by the Italian State, to serve as the headquarters of the Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Antica. This Gallery emerged in the late nineteenth century, composed of private collections of various noble families. The Galleria is open to new acquisitions and donations, and its purpose is to form a large international art gallery.

The current collection includes works by great Italian and foreign artists from the 13th to 18th centuries, but it is especially rich in masterpieces from the 16th and 17th centuries. Rafael, Titian, El Greco, Caravaggio, Tintoretto, Holbein the Younger, Guido Reni and many other front-line artists are represented.

Here, you will find Judit and Holofernes sculpture by Caravaggio (1597). He presented the episode to the biblical heroine, cutting off the head of General Holofernes with surprising serenity. Also Narcissus, reflected in the water, are also attributed quite likely to Caravaggio, before 1600.

The Barberini Palace itself, one of the most splendid baroque palaces in Rome, is worth a visit by itself.

#7 Relax in Babingtons Tea Room Next to the Spanish Steps

They have a huge selection of tea. The store still serves with the original cups from 19 century. Indeed, it is very classy and elegant place you should not miss.

#8 Go to Opera House of Rome

In the city of Rome, there are many options to enjoy a really appetizing holiday. A cultural element that is very worthwhile to enjoy the famous Opera House in Rome. It is a highly recommended visit to enjoy a fairly complete trip.

It has three floors of boxes, an amphitheater and two galleries. It is very worth considering the famous golden dome of the theater, where you can see the frescoes of Annibale Brugnoli, among other decorative elements that can be observed during the visit.

Today, it has a capacity of 1,600 people and remains one of the most iconic in Italy. Throughout the holidays, many tourists are delighted to pass in front of this famous theater.

#9 Don’t forget to visit the oldest coffee in Town

Caffè greco in via dei Condoti is one of most historical bars in Rome with original painting inside. In fact, it is the same decoration form the 1800s. It is where the Italian entrepreneurs go to have their siesta or just a happy hour.

#10 The Night Bar

You have to option Zuma and salotto 42. Both of them are super cosy and classy. It is the place where you will meet beautiful Italian woman and great cocktails. It has charming atmosphere! Both places are located in the historical center pantheon and via del Corso.

So, have you plan your visit to Italy this winter? Let us know in the comment below!