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Florence Blog

Easter in Italy – with CoV-2

Easter in Italy – with CoV-2

Easter in Italy – with CoV-2

So far Italy has been the country worst affected by Coronavirus. After starting in Wuhan, China in later December, it had reached the stage of person-to-person transfer within 3 weeks. The Chinese government declared a state of emergency on the 9th January, and the country is still under lockdown in many regions.

The first two cases of CoV-2  confirmed in Italy on 21st February, and things have moved very quickly since then. By 4th March the Italian government began shutting down public services, including schools, churches, museums, and construction sites, leaving only pharmacies and supermarkets open to the public.

It’s been a month since this happened and many families in southern Italy are really starting to feel the effects of the lockdown, most noticeably in how they are struggling with expenses and affording groceries. The prices of fruit, vegetables, and meat and fish are all rising, which, combined with high levels of unemployment, is resulting in many people not being able to feed their kids.

Poverty rates have increased massively, from 5 million people in 2018 to 9 million in 2020, and the 520 euros given by the state to the unemployed is barely enough to cover bills, let alone to feed their families too. The government has now also awarded 600 euros to people in my position, those with tourism-related businesses who are struggling in the current climate.

In fact, many tour companies are buying tickets to attractions such as the Colosseum and the Vatican in order to pay their employees and business expenses. Similarly, now that all the restaurants in Rome are closed, and the city is in its worst position since the end of WW2, many are looking for other ways to compensate themselves.

My sister Flora is one such person. She and her husband run a restaurant called Cornetto Cappuccino in the neighbourhood Il quartiere africano Corso Trieste viale Libia via Tripolitania, which is obviously struggling in the current climate. It’s a small, family-run business serving pasta, pizza, salads, and more. 

Now Flora and her family have come up with a solidarity project to help those in the area struggling to make ends meet. If you’re needing food and can’t afford it, or are still waiting for your government payment to come through, then please contact them. Head to the restaurant in via Tripolitania 22, or contact them on +39 348 5260669, and ask for Flora or Alessandro. They’ll happily have a meal of fresh pasta or similar ready for you in no time.

Providing we are all safe and sensible, we will come out of this situation together.